In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind,
Dear Graduates of Grade 2A!!!
Just a friendly message from your teacher! Hope you are all having a wonderful and safe summer : )
I've sent some pictures to your parents, to remind you of the wonderful year we had. The pictures are of our last field trip to the Children's Festival as well as photos during class work and that fun soccer tournament between students and teachers!
Do take a look!
For those who would like some fun computer games that will help you get ready for grade 3, try these links:
A glimpse of what will be covered in math next year:
Language (but also links to other subjects):
Easier link to audio books (click on Tumblebooks):
Other summer time tips:
1- Read everyday!
2- Keep a summer journal of what you do every day - write and draw pictures!
3- Stay active - play, play, play outside!