In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind,
Assalamu Allaykum,
The children had a great challenge making this Tibetan singing bowl, well, sing.
As part of our Social Studies unit, learning about Canada and its many cultures, some of the students brought in objects representing their countries of origin.
They shared these with the class, and some were even hung up on the class's world map. We have a picture of the Dome of the Rock, Egyptian money and a Shalwar Kameez posted up. Other students brought in different types of clothing, henna patterns, jewelery and various other knicks and knacks that show something about their culture.
I shared this singing bowl with the class, picked up by my brother on a trek in Northern India in a place called Ladakh. It is typically used in Buddhist meditation and worship. My aim was to underscore the importance of learning about other faiths and cultures in order to understand Canada. After all, as we discovered, it is fun to learn interesting things from others even while we understand what makes us different.
Tr. Amira