In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind,
Yesterday, a beautiful thing rose up from the children. It was the last class of the day, Islamic Studies, and we were talking about when the Angel Gabriel first visited our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, in the Cave Hira. "He squeezed the prophet," I told the class, seated around me on the carpet," and said, 'Iqra. . .'"
And the children didn't miss a beat. "Iqra bismirabbika alathee Khalaq," The class began reciting the entire surah together. It was breathtaking, masha'Allah. They were so pleased with themselves, slowly reciting in unison.
Thanks Grade 2A, and the teachers who taught you before me! What a special time these final days of Ramadan will be, insha'Allah.
Tr. Amira
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