Assalamu Allaykum,
Unfortunately, my children are ill so I wasn't at school yesterday, nor will I be in today, but el Hamdullilah they have a wonderful substitute teacher who will continue to offer them work to expand their little minds, insha'Allah!
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As you know, the students have been assigned to create their own imaginary animal. They will present their animal to the class, and share the following information:
a/ Its made-up name
b/ Its type - mammal, reptile, insect, amphibian, fish or bird.
c/ Its habitat
d/ Its life cycle
e/ What it eats and how
f/ How its mother cares for it
g/ Its characteristics: skin, colour, backbone or not, etc.
h/ If it can camouflage
i/ How humans can protect it from becoming extinct
We have discussed these various elements of animal life during class, and so this assignment brings all of their knowledge together in a fun and imaginative way, insha'Allah. Please contact me if you require any further clarifications.
*******Please note that I will provide students with further instructions on presenting to the class on Monday, so the presentations will not begin on that day as previously indicated; however, students will be asked to present later on that week. Further details to follow. *******
In the meantime, for a little inspiration, here are some amazing pictures of geckos in camouflage! Enjoy!
Jazak'Allahu Kheiran,
Tr. Amira
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